Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday's Outlook: Silence

Have you ever desired silence? That’s how it was for me this weekend, through this morning. I found it to be a little to noisy all around me. I joked on a Facebook Status over this weekend about being at the Rainforest Cafe’ and it being too loud. Well, it was the truth; there were all kinds of animals, waterfalls, and even music going. It was a complete indoor jungle. Sometimes we let things/people over crowd us and we go through living our lives as if we are in a jungle. All the while we never seek the silence and contentment with God.

We have to make it a habit for ourselves to desire the silence sometimes. Some of us are waiting and waiting for answers from God, but are unable to hear him because HE is trying to speak over so many things that we have going on in our lives. You may be right on the brink of getting what you need and then there goes the jungle again. The children are acting up, the husband/wife acting up, your friend is on the phone with their problems, you trying to please your boss by working overtime; God is saying be still, be silent for a minute, hear from me, so I can give you what you need to fix those things.

We seem to have a ton of excuses when it comes to making time to build the much needed relationship with the lord. I found my biggest mistake to be setting a time to read the word or pray. It made the relationship appear as an uneasy obligation, almost forced. Your relationship with God should be natural. So I just set my heart on desiring him. The more I desired him, the more the time seemed to appear for just me and him. The days certainly didn’t get longer, and I know we still operate on 24 hours. However, God knew that I wanted to HIM and I was seeking HIM. I had a desire to spend time with him. When ever I start to get off track and the jungle seems to appear. I know, Ok, you have too much going on. It is time to be silent. It is time to go to your silent place. If things seem to be getting a little noisy around you and you feel like you are right in the middle of the jungle, it may be time to seek SILENCE.

Always praying for you,


Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday's Outlook: The Blame Game

I listened on the phone to a friend one day and all I could her was “They did this” and “They did that” referencing what others had done to stop whatever she was trying to accomplish. I sat there on the phone and listened for awhile, because that’s what I do before I usually chime in with my thoughts. My friends will tell you that I am really straight forward when I am asked my thoughts on something, but I try to make it a habit to listen clearly first. So after she had finished her rambling, she sighed and said “What should I do now?” I looked at the phone, because I hadn’t heard anything in her story about her part in the situation. So, I said “Do whatever you have in your own ability to help yourself!”

So many of us always add up the obstacles that will prevent us from getting the things we want, and if the obstacles add up to be over our set limits we stop trying! That turns into you blaming every other person or thing, but ourselves. I will tell you God is a good God and he works miracles beyond our thoughts, but even he requires some action on your part. HIS truths are all up in the details and HE is waiting for you at the finish line, but you will never get there if you don’t take accountability for your own stuff! Then there are the people who always say “The devil trying to stop me.” I won’t even address that because we give that character to much credit! *Newsflash* he isn’t all that! However, there is something to be said about your own responsibility. 1 Corinthians 3:8 says “Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his OWN labor. That means you have to put in some work!

If you want the new job, it is you that must first acquire those skills to get it. You have to put in the application or submit the resume.  If you want that promotion, it is you that has to be first diligent in the position you have. Even in ministry, if you want it to grow and be fruitful, you have to give your all to it. The new house or the new car, you have to set your mind to saving and being financially fit. Yes, doors will close and there will be obstacles, but you can’t give up. You can’t result to blaming others and not taking account for what you didn’t do. When you feel like you have failed at something ask yourself “What didn’t I do?” and then DO IT!

Always praying for you,


** Post will now appear as Monday's Outlook instead of Today's Reflection(as I saw a fellow blogger using the word reflection in there daily post). Look for new post every Monday!**

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tapping into Greatness: Today's Reflection: RELATIONSHIPS

Tapping into Greatness: Today's Reflection: RELATIONSHIPS: "I have been spending a lot of time thinking about relationships lately; the importance of them, and who/what make up a relationship. I look ..."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Today's Reflection: RELATIONSHIPS

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about relationships lately; the importance of them, and who/what make up a relationship. I look at society, and we have become “independent” beings in a lot of ways. I hear people say “I don’t need anyone,” “All I need is God” or “I can do this by myself.” The reality of the matter is we all need someone at sometime, and we should very well be looking for the healthy relationships and not foster the unhealthy.

Of course, God is and should be your center, but we are flesh placed here on earth with many people. I highly doubt that God would have us here with each other if he didn’t intend for us to use each other in positive ways. In fact there are many scriptures that emphasize the idea of togetherness: “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when God’s people live together in harmony!” (Psalm 133:1), “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35, NLT), and my favorite “Encourage one another daily ... so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews 3:13, NIV).

On, the same token while it is important to have relationships it is important for them to be healthy. The relationships you have will produce fruit, but the kind of fruit that is being produced is the key! You have to have respect, honesty, trust commitment, giving, and taking in the relationship. For example: If I tell you my issue (I trust you with my stuff) I expect you to respect me enough to keep it between us. I expect you to be honest enough to tell me if I am causing the issue. I expect you to be committed enough to pray and hang in there with me. I expect you to give encouragement as well as take encouragement.  You see how the process went down? One thing that burns me is when people say “Oh, I am going have them to pray for me, just pray you don’t need to know what’s going on.” Look, I don’t know about you, but when I say go to God for me…I want you to be specific! I don’t want any misunderstanding. Now, I’m not saying tell the world your issues. I’m saying it is important to be able to tell someone your issues and know they will be there for you. If you have someone you are calling your best friend, but you can’t tell them your issues…. relationship check, please! If you have a mate that you can’t go to and expect for he/she to lead you to prayer and stand by you… relationship check!

My point is this, it is important to have healthy relationships that are producing good things for both parties. If you are in relationship with people or even things (another topic) that are not getting you anywhere, but are simply pulling you to a stand still in life  it is time to do a relationship check. See if God is at the center of that relationship. See if its time for it to go or just in need of getting back on the right path. We were not meant to be in isolation, but to be out loving each other in harmony!

Always praying for you,


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today’s Reflection: THE IDENTITY CRISIS

If I asked you “Who are you?” or even “Why are you here?” I can be almost positive that I would get a wide array of answers, some hesitation, and nothing really concrete. There are people everywhere jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon in many areas of their lives because they do not know who they are or what their purpose is. This is a really big issue and has contributed greatly to the crisis we are experiencing today.
One of the main hindrances to finding purpose is “self.”  Yes, You!  Many people go searching for purpose asking “What will I gain when I find my purpose?” Instead of asking “What will be done through my purpose?”  Stay with me…. The self seeking individual tends to never look to themselves for their own abilities. However, they look to others who already appear to have successfully found purpose; whether you are looking at someone who is wealthy, someone who looks like they have the perfect family, a fancy title, or some other thing that is mentally equated to represent fulfilled purpose or success. This leads to a lifetime of chasing a purpose that is not your own. 
Let us look at this world as one big machine. In order for a machine to run properly all of the pieces have to be in place and functioning in their own capacity. As of now the world is all over the place because too many people are not functioning in their purpose. It’s time to reverse your own identity crisis.
So, who are you? Why are you here?  Answering those questions requires a confidence in your beliefs and abilities. For starters get rid of the question, “What will I gain when I find my purpose?” Take on that statement “It’s not about me!” Really, purpose (the reason for which something exists) could not have been all about youJ.  What do you believe in? Provide yourself with a concrete answer to this. Being lukewarm in your beliefs will keep you on the path of being out of place and not operating in your own purpose.  Then look to your abilities. What are you good at? It could be something that you have ignored in the past because it wasn’t glamorous in your eyes. This week pay attention to the things that you do well. Write them down and list other things that can be accomplished through those abilities. Purpose is there you just have to tap into it!

Always praying for you,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today’s Reflection: IT'S A MIND THING:

Many among us have fell victim to the negative words/thoughts produced in the mind.  There is a scripture (Proverbs 23:7) that states “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  It is important to first view this text and put in to prospective what is the most powerful weapon in human existence. Have you ever heard someone say “I’m going to follow my heart or you should know my heart?” The truth is the heart can’t be trusted. Jeremiah 17:9 states “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?”

That left me to think….well what makes the heart so deceitful? The first quoted text contained the words “THINKS in his HEART.” So am I using my heart as my “mind” or did the uncontrolled thoughts of my mind deliver the message to the heart? *shrugs shoulders* I went with the latter, because the heart CAN NOT function without the mind being present! When the mind dies, then so will you and everything else with it.  In the same token, when you allow your mind to engage in thoughts of constant negativity it will eat away at the mind; therefore you kill your potential for greatness and give birth to a disastrous path.
I personally believe that one of the biggest obstacles, but yet the fruit of greatness is being able to control your mind. However, all is not lost. On this path to greatness and accomplishing purpose, I say begin with the renewing of the mind. Change your thoughts, your environments, and even the people you are around. (FYI: That’s a whole other topic, but until you are strong enough to battle negative thoughts, hanging with others who are have uncontrolled minds hinders progression.)This isn’t a one and done activity. It is something you have to wake up to every morning, to make the mind new. Challenge yourself this week to be aware of every single thought that is produced in your mind. Because we have to be accountable for even the things we don’t say. When you find yourself saying /thinking something negative, correct it right then! This is just the beginning, but I truly believe that the end looks good!
Always praying for you,